Slaapstrandhuisje - Strand dishoek 68 Dishoek - Chaumière

Slaapstrandhuisje - Strand dishoek 68 Dishoek - 1

That is the ultimate relaxation: waking up on an empty beach with only the sound of waves and seagulls. And how about having a nice barbecue on the beach in the evening and watching the sun go down in the sea? You will experience it all in this sleeping beach house on the white sandy beach of Dishoek. A beach experience you will never forget!

The beach house suitable for 2 adults and 3 children has a fresh and sleek interior and the smart layout gives you a very spacious feeling. The feeling is further emphasized by the large glass front at the front, which can also be opened completely. The front terrace and the inside of the house become one large whole

Rez-de-chaussée: (cuisine(bouilloire, grille-pain, plaque de cuisson(gaz), cafetière/percolateur(cups, filtre), micro ondes, réfrigérateur), salle à manger-salon(table, coin salon), salle de bains(douche, WC), mezzanine(3x lit simple), lit double(160 x 200 cm))

terrasse(privé), mobilier de jardin, parking

Prijzen en beschikbaarheidVoir les prix ici et réserver directement en ligne

Pour information et la réservation

, Koudekerke
tel. +31 882 021 212 
web. Plus d'informations