Dishoekseweg - VZ2320 - Cottage

Dishoekseweg - VZ2320 - 1

This nature house offers you the opportunity to camp in luxury, without having to take excess luggage with you. This cottage is suitable for the holidaymaker who prefers a compact stay in an agricultural and natural environment. The green environment with many 'peppels' (poplars), to which the farm owes its name, creates a relaxing atmosphere. The holiday resort has a green garden of more than 1500 m2 with play facilities and seating areas in the sun or shade. The garden is for common use. At the same time, there are plenty of opportunities for sports enthusiasts in the area: they can go cycling, fishing, surfing, sailing, horseback riding, beach sports and more.

Wake up to the sound of birdsong and a gentle breeze blowing through the open windows. As you get out of bed, your eyes are treated to a panorama of vast farmlands. After a day full of adventure, you can relax on the terrace of your ruralhut, while enjoying a breathtaking view of the surrounding farmlands. The agricultural view from your ruralhut is like a picturesque scene.

3-person nature house in Koudekerke-Dishoek

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For information and reservation

Dishoekseweg, Koudekerke-Dishoek
tel. +31 118 744 025 
web. More information